Appellate Litigation
Appellate work is a unique form of litigation that requires specialists who understand how to craft persuasive legal arguments for courts at all levels of our legal system. The appellate attorneys at Lipe Lyons regularly work with clients to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of potential appeals, prepare persuasive legal briefs, and make oral arguments that either win cases outright or prepare them for success at a later date.Our attorneys have handled appeals in a broad range of legal areas, including all manner of torts and business disputes, agency, civil rights, class actions, insurance coverage, labor and employment, product liability, professional liability, statutory interpretion, and trial procedure.
We also have extensive experience working with defense counsel to identify important legal issues and help draft dispositive motions, motions in limine, jury instructions, and other written submissions to the court. Additionally, we routinely help trial counsel preserve evidentiary issues for appeal during trial.
For more information about the firm’s appellate practice, please contact Jordan Tank at 312.702.0586 or